Tuesday 24 April 2018

All at Sea

The gentle motion of the ship had rocked me to sleep last night and I slept really well. By 8am I was in The Conservatory trying to steer clear of the Full English and very tempting muffins. Instead I made for the fruit and cereal counters.  Moderation is the key because there is lunch, tea and dinner yet to come!  10 laps of The Prom Deck = 3 miles and its always a joy completing this directly after breakfast - although its worth remembering that the clocks are very rarely correct!

As the hour between 9 and 10 progresses then more and more people descend for a spot of exercise.  It's a bit like a box of allsorts for here you will see the knock kneed and bow legged; the upright and the stooped; the lean and the rotund.  Walking styles differ from person to person from the flat footed to the stomper to the delicately nimble.  Some are out for a gentle amble whilst others are into their fitness regimes - although jogging and running are NOT allowed on The Prom.

The Bay of Biscay has been kind to us on this occasion but staff relate the terrible weather they experienced for four full days on the previous cruise to The Azores.  All we have to contend with is fog and the intermittent drone of the ships hooter warning other vessels that we are in the vicinity.

This evening was the first of the formal nights - dress code wise.  I donned a black and gold jacket purchased in Hong Kong last year.  To my utter amazement the jacket turned heads all evening and stopped many ladies in their tracks:  "Your jacket is stunning" - "I love your jacket" - "What a beautiful jacket".  My outfits have NEVER caused this sort of reaction before.  When I am next in Hong Kong I must re-visit the lovely ladies in Stanley Market for they will be delighted with this little story.

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