Saturday 2 April 2016

Bonjour Reunion

Our berth was another very unattractive container port but we cannot always have custom built cruise terminals or beautiul offshore anchorages.  Independent travellers today were going to have to face a 50 minute journey on the shuttle bus from ship to St. Denis so I am pleased I had booked the Wild South excursion which was to take me all around the perimeter of the island.

The main highway is built so close to the sea that large shells line the carriageway, blown up by the vilent waves as they crash ashore.  Our guide told us of apersonal experience when his windscreen suddenly shattered and he found himself up to his knees in water as a wave hit his car - frightening to say the least.

Reunion in a volcanic island pitted with deep ravines.  Unfortunately the tour did not include stops beside the highway for photo opportunities so images of ravines need to stay implanted in my memory. 

Our first stop as at an elaborate church but was, I think, more to use the loos rather than look at the church.  The Ladies cubicles wre all locked so once again it was just one queue of men and women all lined up outside L'Hommes - more grumbling from the gentlemen!

Next stop was Ste. Rose which shelters the chapel of Notre Dames des Laves which was miraculously saved during the 1977 lava flow.  Somehow or another the lava stopped right at the door of the chapel.

Those that were able trekked up the lava flow and I was interested in seeing how plant life is returning wherever it can get a foothold. 

Those that were not so able waited by the roadside under very British umbrellas.

At St. Philippe we had a guided tour of Jardin des Parfums et des Epices.  Wonderful flowers and fruits.

                                            Including the very, very strange bat flower

                   I even managed to capture a chameleon high, high up in the palm tree

But my lasting memory of the day will be of a party of school children suddenly appearing through the flowers.

Lunch was a very French and a very boozy affair which is probably why this selfie is a bit out of kilter

                                            Views at the lunch venue were again stunning

I think we all slept on the return journey back to the ship - which was probably the idea.  We sailed out at dusk with the sun setting behind the container port cranes - they look quite beautiful in this setting.

                                      Another fantastic day on an incredibly beautiful island.

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