Wednesday 26 December 2012

Christmas Cruise 2012 - Copenhagen, the City of David and the Little Mermaid

P & O have organised a shuttle bus service at this port.  It's about a 30 - 40 minute walk into town so having the option of jumping onto a shuttle bus is much appreciated.  The temperature here is very much colder - down to 3 Celsius - so I added a few more layers today.  Again I was one of the first down the gangway but my fellow passengers were none to happy when they heard that all the shops in town were closed because it was Boxing Day.  What did they expect !  The bus dropped us at Kings Square and I headed off towards the upper canal which I hoped would provide a few photo opportunities.  I thought it an absolute privilege to be given the opportunity of walking the streets whilst they were deserted instead of being packed with shoppers.

I spent an hour walking along the canal path and was delighted to see that the water was just beginning to freeze.  Ducks could be seen sitting on small ice flows instead of paddling about in the water.  I suppose in a few more weeks the entire canal could be frozen.  I shared the path with a few joggers desperate to shake off the pounds which they must have added to their weight on Christmas Day.  Apart from that everywhere was deserted.

It was back to Oceana for lunch - another chicken curry which I just can't get enough of.

In the afternoon I decided to take the shuttle into Town and then make my way back to the ship via the walkway along the front.  It was still very cold but the walk proved refreshing and invigorating.  As I turned one corner I was greeted with the most delightful sight of a fully naked David declaring to the world that this was his place.  He welcomed the female tourists who seemed to delight in standing at his feet to have their photos taken with him.  I stood patiently, knowing that if I waited long enough I would get David all to myself for just a few minutes.  The wait was well worth it.

Further along I came to St. Alban's Anglican Church, perched on the side of small canal, and still further on was the sight that everyone comes to Copenhagen to see - the Little Mermaid.  She is tiny - as all the best things in life are - but she glistened provocatively on her rock and as the breeze caressed my ear I heard her whisper "be patient little butterfly".

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