Tuesday 25 December 2012

Christmas Cruise 2012 - Amsterdam, City of Cycles, Canals and Sin

Again the day dawned wet and windy but that was not going to stop me rushing down the gangplank as I was ready for another adventure in yet another city.  I picked up a map in the Cruise Terminal and enquired where I was in relation to the city centre.  The way into Town was pointed out to me - along the front, turn left at Central Station, under the bridge, turn right and from there I could go in any direction I wanted.  Off I set at a brisk pace.

I got to the designated spot and wondered what direction to head in.  There were a couple of very large thoroughfares and one very narrow, small road.  Why take the major roads when there is a tantalising narrow passageway - that always seems to be my motto and once again perhaps I should have thought twice before heading off into the unknown.  It was a really interesting little street and those that lived there seemed to be just waking up to start their day.  There were little souvenir shops here and there, a shop with super Venetian Masks and a very lovely lingerie shop.  Then I started noticing the sex shops and by the time I got to "Durty Nelly's Irish Pub" I realised that I had walked slap bang into the centre of the Red Light District. Cripes, no wonder I was getting some peculiar looks.  I took the next turning on the right and headed out into the main thoroughfare and back to normality.

I really wanted to head for the canals to take some photos so headed off down other side streets and across bridges.  There were bicycles absolutely everywhere.  Every single bridge and canalside walk was full of them - all chained up ready for their owners to come and claim them.  In London they would have been nicked in no time at all.  Bicycles with large baskets on the front were also in abundance and many of these were used by mother's for transporting their children around.  It was quite fascinating just standing at a corner and watching how different life was here to that in the UK.

It was back to the ship for a quick bite of lunch and then I headed out for another couple of hours walking the streets of Amsterdam.  I headed for the canal area again but this time I noticed that curtains in the basement flats had been pulled back.  I was well away from the Red Light District by now but would you believe it - the windows contained ladies dressed in their sexy undies trying to tempt their next client of the day.  When we had docked this morning  our Captain had said that the Ladies of the Night also operated during the day - but I hadn't expected to fall across it so easily!

Another very satisfying and tiring day for this would be photographer.

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