Sunday 11 December 2011

The Magical Mystery Cruise - Valencia, Spain

There are to be no stories about trying to find cemeteries in this episode of the blog, in fact the day was just spent playing the typical British tourist.  The shuttle bus dropped us off in the centre of town and as I waited to alight I heard one of my fellow passengers acost the driver in an angry voice – “Well where are the shops?”.  The driver did not speak English – at least not when spoken to in such an ill mannered way !  Outside another of the passengers pointed out the general direction of “the shops” and the rather rude gentleman replied “Well why didn’t he say so”.  Sometimes I despair of my fellow countrymen.  As I alighted I turned to the driver and said “Gracias” in an accent that I hoped he would understand.

Our drop off and meeting point was on the banks of the former Rio Turia opposite the Trinidad Bridge.  The river burst its banks on 14 Oct 1957 and led to the worst flooding in Valencia’s history.  To ensure that such a disaster could not happen again the river was diverted around the city.  The old river bed has now been laid out to gardens, sports areas and children’s play areas.  I would have liked to explore the gardens but time did not permit so I concentrated instead on the old part of the city.

Somehow I managed to negotiate the maze of narrow streets and found myself outside the old market.  At 9.30 am it was a hive of activity with the locals eager to buy the freshest fruit and vegetables for their day.  The colours were spectacular and the fresh smell something I will long remember.  What has happened in England?  How come we have lost our markets?  How come the youngsters only want to eat horrible ready prepared food instead of wonderful healthy options. Indeed, how come our supermarkets are full of artificial looking fruit and veg where each item has to be exactly the same dimensions as everything else and where nothing tastes of anything anymore?  I marvelled at the sights before me and took many photos of wonderful displays with their vibrant natural colours.

Having returned to the ship for lunch I ventured out in the afternoon for a walk.  From the looks of the map the local beach was not too far away.  Outside the port gates were the old, highly decorated warehouses.  I looked at the road and noticed markings that looked like grid markings on a race track.  Suddenly it dawned on me – this was the Valencia Formula 1 Grand Prix Circuit !  Having determined that at this point in time there was no danger of an F1 car roaring down on me I ventured out a little further and found myself standing on the actual track – WOW, what a thrill (even without any cars).  My walk to the beach took me round about a third of the F1 circuit and I imagined Jenson and Lewis racing round here in their wonderful Maclaren cars. 

The palm lined promenade soon came into view and beyond it stretched mile upon mile of yellow sand.  Here and there were groups of children and young people playing ball games but for all intents and purposes the beach was deserted – even though the sun was shining brightly.  I managed to capture one shot of a fisherman standing at the water’s edge with a couple of sailing boats out on the turquoise water.  I hope it looks as good when I download it from the camera onto the computer.

I made my way back to the ship after yet another fascinating day.  There is only one more port of call for this cruise and that’s Lisbon.  Three days after that it will be back to Southampton and onward to dismal Croydon.  But at the moment let’s look forward to Lisbon where I need to find the “Cemeterio dos Ingleses” !!!!!!

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