Thursday 26 August 2010

Eidfjord - The Orchard of the Fjords

Having crossed the North Sea in gale force winds with rain lashing the deck it was a relief to reach the calm waters of the fjords. I was up on deck at 5.30 am all wrapped up in waterproof gear to watch our approach into Eidfjord. The clouds hung low over the mountain tops but every now and then a deep ravine filled with snow could be spotted high up amidst the crags. Small villages nestled in valleys at the waters edge surrounded by lush green grass. This area is known as “The Orchard of the Fjords” and proves the perfect place for growing cherries, plums and apples. At this unearthly hour I was alone on deck apart from one or two of the deck crew who are forever concerned about my safety. “Please mind the slippery deck” – “Please be careful of the strong winds” – “Please avoid the water cascading from the awnings”. I was, indeed, very careful but nothing could induce me to stay inside because this is my first trip to Norway and nothing is to be missed.

Arcadia tied up at her berth at 8.30am and an hour later I was being whisked off in a coach along the Hardangerfjord to the little village of Ullensvang where a very welcome cup of coffe was provided - along with a slice of delicious apple cake. It was interesting to see that many of the small alpine type houses had roofs planted with grass and herbs. The roofs were also provided with ladders for easy access when the chimney pots needed sweeping. I wandered through the village past the 13th. Century church and found my way down to the edge of the fjord. The crystal clear water acted like a mirror reflecting the towering mountains topped by the Hardangerjokul Glacier. This was certainly a very beautiful place and for the first time I became one of those very annoying people who are late back to the coach!!!!!
Sailaway was at 3.30pm and by this time the rain and winds had returned making for another rough night at sea. I didn’t mind at all and slept soundly feeling like a cork bobbing around in the sea.

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