Friday 25 February 2011

Manila - 24th. February 2011

I rose at 5.30 am and was up on deck at 5.45 awaiting the dawn. The sun did not disappoint and between 6 and 6.30 I was greeted with the most beautiful of sunrises. I was alone on deck and marvelled at the beauty of nature.

Today was all about being a tourist with a full day’s excursion booked up into the highlands above the huge sprawling metropolitan city. Our coaches were small 20 seater mini-buses and we were whisked away at 8.30am escorted by four police on their motorcycles. We were told that they were there purely to help get us through the traffic but I think we all realised that in today’s climate of terrorist activity that they were actually there to offer us a modicum of protection. What horrendous publicity would be caused if a group of P & O tourists got highjacked !!!!!! Actually these four young policemen were the absolute highlight of the day. They sure did whisk us through the traffic – it was just like being royalty for at every intersection traffic was stopped so that our small convoy of mini-buses could speed through. When the roads got particularly congested one of the policemen would direct all traffic on the other side of the road into one lane so that we could go down the free lane (in the wrong direction) and so not be held up. At points where the traffic was light the two police in front of our convoy would show off and make their motorcycles “dance” for us. It was all tremendous fun and when we did eventually return to the ship at the end of the day it was they who got a tremendous cheer and many hand shakes.

But what did we see on this day out in the countryside? To start with we were taken to the “Bamboo Organ Church” which is exactly what it says – a church which houses an organ made almost entirely of bamboo. An organist even gave us a little tune on it during our tour and it really was most remarkable. We drove through shanty towns of grime and poverty and through beautiful countryside where the fields were planted with pineapples and bananas. Up and up we went until we were greeted with the sight of Lake Taal and its volcano within a volcano. What a tremendous view – and what luxurious surroundings we were in - The Taal View Heights Country Club which is only for the very richest of Philippine residents. I don’t think that we disgraced ourselves !

We sailed at 5.30 and again I was up on deck – but this time to catch the sunset. At this time of day I was definitely not alone but I was able to click away furiously on my camera trying to capture something of the magic as the sky burst into flame with reds and oranges streaking through the clouds. What a sight.

Next comes a relaxing day at sea before calling in at Borneo.

February 2011 - HONG KONG

I had not realised how much I had missed Hong Kong until I returned on this trip which coincided with the Chinese New Year celebrations. As I stopped to watch martial arts troupes performing the Chinese Lion dance and saw the antics of the Lion as it strived to reach bunches of fruit and vegetables hung high in the air above its head I found I had tears streaming down my face. They were tears of happiness at being able see this wonderful spectacle again. In fact I found that I spent much of my first three days with tears dripping from eyes – the sight of The Peak rising majestically from the harbour at dusk just as the Symphony of Lights lit up the City with brilliant laser beams shooting from the tops of the highest buildings – the wonderful service from restaurants who considered it an honour that a single European Lady had decided to choose their restaurant over others. The emotions overwhelmed me.

I actually did very little sight seeing but spent the whole two weeks in my beloved Colonial Cemetery. Having recorded all the inscriptions some 20 years ago this trip was for taking photographs of the headstones. I achieved my goal of photographing graves in every section and have ended up with some 7,000 images – enough to keep me busy for the next 10 years as I enter them into my master database !!!!!

The weather was pleasantly warm for the first 2 days but then a cold front came down from China and it turned very cold and quite wet. But nothing could prevent me from enjoying my two weeks – not even the rib which I dislocated when trying to drag one of my suitcases from the carousel in the airport !!!! I managed to find an excellent Chinese Osteopath who put things right with one half hour treatment.

At the end of the 2 weeks P & Os Artemis glided through the harbour and berthed at Ocean Terminal. I boarded her the next day and sailed out at dusk as the sun set behind The Peak.